Friday, September 30, 2011

:: kids workshop at home depot ::

we'll see you tomorrow at the
home depot kids workshop
9:00 am - 12:00 noon

click here for more information
and to see this month's project
{a fire rescue helicopter}

here are the pictures from last month
when ned built and painted...

♥ a dry erase board ♥

Thursday, September 29, 2011

italian theater backdrop

didn't i hear you mention
that you needed a
italian theater backdrop?

oil on canvas
78"w x 126"H

just a little over four thousand dollars
at one kings lane.
click here to join.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

:: pasta with roasted eggplant, summer squash, and tomatoes ::

i almost called this post
:: pasta with roasted fruit ::
because eggplant, squash, & tomatoes
are all fruits, you know.

because we are the lucky members
of an amazing csa farmwe have been
enjoying copious quantities of said fruits.
this dish has been a really delicious result.

my kids thought they didn't like eggplant
until i came up with this one.

with roasted eggplant, 
summer squash, and tomatoes

coarsely chop eggplant, squash, & tomatoes
{i like to peel the eggplant first}
add some coarsely chopped onions & garlic.
generously coat with olive oil, salt & pepper
and spread onto baking sheets.
roast in a 350° oven for about an hour,
or until everything looks like this

cook 1 pound of pasta per package directions
{i like to use something sturdy, like penne}
then combine with roasted goodness
and add loads of freshly grated parmesan.

at this point, you can just dig in,
or you can
pour into a buttered casserole
and bake a bit more.
{keep a cover on it when baking}

{note: i froze the extra roasted goodness
for future meals}

serve with a salad and a baguette


Tuesday, September 27, 2011

brie savory, brie sweet

here are two super easy & delicious
ways to serve brie.
one is savory, one is sweet.
{this one's dedicated to you, mom}

brie with pine nuts,
sundried tomatoes, artichoke hearts, 
garlic, salt & pepper

brie with ground cherries

how to:
1. slice brie into smallish pieces
2. place in microwaveable bowl
3. add toppings & mix them in a bit
4. microwave until melty {45 seconds or so}
5. serve with a sliced baguette 
and a glass of chardonnay

p.s. curious about ground cherries?
look at this post i did about a year ago
for more photos & a link to learn more.

Monday, September 26, 2011

earthly delights :: csa bounty :: week 18

though you couldn't tell by the weather,
summer has come to an end.
this week's share is our last of the season.
carnival squash 
{missy can attest that carnival squash is my all-time favorite!}
sweet peppers
hot peppers
ground cherries
yellow crookneck squash
magic garlic
rainbow chard

thank you, 
casey & lori, 
for feeding us the beautiful food you grow.
we are forever grateful.
come visit casey & lori at 
if you live nearby, now is the time
to sign up for next year.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

someone's knockin' at the door...

my saturday morning began like this...
our sweet ducka seems to want to have her
freedom and her cozy home, too.
she has flown away several times,
once a couple weeks ago for almost 3 days,
but she keeps coming back.
the funny thing is that she
:: knocks ::
on the front door when she comes home.
we open the door, and in she waddles.
it's her house, after all.

we do love you, rosa,
and we're glad have you back.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

art-paper-scissors :: autumn watercolor collage

beginning today,
i am a contributing blogger over at

my weekly kids art lesson is called

please come and see my brand new

and if you live in eagle,
be sure to stop by the harvest hoe down 
at eagle hills elementary school
{thursday, september 29th, 5 - 8 pm}
to see all 22 of the 
autumn watercolor collages
made by ned's class.

p.s. if you are looking for the printable pages
for this art project, they are here.

Friday, September 23, 2011

:: autumn ::

nevermind that it was 92° here today,
it is officially autumn.

so i wore a python print scarf

and drank 7 cups of my new favorite tea

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

:: we've got spirit ::

after weeks & weeks of practice,
marian cheered for the first time today

{she's on the far right}
{and get a load of that shiny gym floor}

yay, marian!
i'm so proud of you!

go colts!

Monday, September 19, 2011

earthly delights :: csa bounty :: week 17

our share this week
cutting celery
ground cherries
winter squash
hot peppers
mild peppers
magic garlic
{next week is our last pick-up}

Saturday, September 17, 2011

familiar with fab? is daily design at a discount.
it is where i found this.

products are available for a limited time,
usually 3 days.

in addition to so much other cool stuff,
today they have these

also today, are these
which would be perfect for this. emails me with 
a new smattering of designs each day.
i am usually entertained and always impressed.

sign up by clicking this link: 
{if you sign up today, you will earn an instant $10 credit}

Friday, September 16, 2011

happy birthday, dad

i hope you are having this much fun today
i love you

Thursday, September 15, 2011

love letter

he made it at school

p.s. today, i read two posts
brimming with insight, wisdom, and tenderness.
please go here and here
to bask in their amazingness.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

:: baked leeks ::

simple, beautiful food
along with these lovely leeks in our share,
this recipe was in our csa newsletter this week.
it is from our farmer, casey:

1. Cut the rest of the leek from the white and light green part, which you will use.
2. Slice the lovely little thing lengthwise

and gently fan the layers apart, admiring their delicate beauty
and possibly running them under gentle water
if you see any dirt wedged in between the layers.
3. Arrange them in a small baking dish
and drizzle with olive oil and a little salt
4. Cover them with foil and bake at 375 until they're soft and creamy and yummy! This will make your kitchen smell good, too! It might take 20-40 minutes...i don't really'll know when they're tender, it's time to EAT THEM!!!!!

Monday, September 12, 2011

earthly delights :: csa bounty :: week 16

our share this week
ground cherries
magic garlic
jalapeño peppers
anaheim peppers
purple cabbage

Sunday, September 11, 2011

sweet dreams & flying machines

there isn't anyone like this man

here is a clip of the song he sang today.
it is one of my very favorites.
{please forgive the ad at the beginning - i'm still searching for a better video}

here's the same song, a few years back

this video is from the concert for new york city
october 20, 2001

just one more time, ya'll

god bless america.
god bless james taylor.

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