Monday, May 24, 2010

marmite on rye toast

it's nothing new,
but i am obsessed
marmite on rye toast.
my children balk.
i do not care.
it is, to my taste,
dear marmite,
if loving you is wrong,
i don't want to be right.
yours truly,


Dawn said...

What is Marmite??? I have never heard of says "yeast extract" on the jar??? Do tell??

Emily said...

I'm not fan, but I know people in Europe love it!

catie said...

dawn ~
the texture is like molasses.
it is salty & yeasty - which i adore.
i also put nutritional yeast on my popcorn (that's another post).
if you buy some & hate it you can always give it to me!
we should get maisie to weigh in - i bet she likes it.
the australian version is vegemite - as in, "he just smiled and gave me a vegemite sandwich."
i didn't help much, did i?

tracy porter said... too love it!! will grow on you.....CATIE, your blog is darling, so your writing....!!

jill said...

yippee!! i post under "THE" tp!! :) never have heard of marmite - but it immediately made me think of "a vegemite sandwich" heehee. happy day, 1125 twin. hope all is well.

Donna said...

Catie ..I HATE Marmite was force fed to me as a child, on the grounds it was good for me,a spoonful straight from the jar ...YUK........Do you know here in the U.K it is marked with the slogan ...Love it or hate it ?

Rebecca said...

Never knew what the "vegemite" really was in that Men at Work song, but now I do! So what's the "marm" in Marmite? Is it "mar" which is Spanish for "sea" (referring to the salt)? Is it some kind of marmalade? Or a reference to the way people say "ma'am" in England? Can you tell I'm procrastinating?

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