Sunday, May 23, 2010


is it bad to admit that i had never played
until last night?
i found a vintage parcheesi game
(with all the pieces) 
at one of my favorite thrift stores.

i have a thing for vintage game boards,
so i knew i would use it
in a vignette somewhere in my house
even if we didn't like the game.
{are you checking out how insanely cool the game board is?}

i played last night with marian (10) and ned (5).
we were learning the game as we went.

despite the fact that it has a few complicated rules,
it was instantly fun & we can't wait to play again.

during our game, i had several conversations with ned
about being a good sport (which he found difficult).
i made up a new rule:
if a person starts to feel like whining "no fair!"
they must stand up & do a little parcheesi dance.
~it worked wonders~


Dawn said...

I have never played either...or seen the cool board. I think the dance is a perfect idea!

Pam said...

OK..can I buy this from you??? :) I need one of these! This brings back so many wonderful memories of my Grandmother. We used to play this with her all the time. I can actually hear the sound of the dice being shaken in that tube! I'm on a mission to find one of these. LOVE vintage board games...great post Catie!! xoxo

catie said...

pam ~ i will help you search!!
next one i find has your name on it.
parcheesi, here we come! ♥

Emily said...

I've never played this game either! Looks fun, and we love board games and cards around here. Maybe e-bay has another one for Pam?

jill said...

my mom has a vintage chinese checkers board hanging on her wall - it looks very cool! don't you love that you can always break a kid down with a little silliness?

catie said...

jill ~
i have a vintage chinese checkers board hanging on my wall, too! i would love to see a photo of your mom's wall.
♥ catie

sewmuchwhimsy said...

Target has new ones if a new one will do. I bought one for the family for Christmas! xoxo Gretchen

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